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Self-sufficient solar capsule looks like a lunar habitat for Earth


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Recently we saw researchers at the Paragon Space Development Corporation develop a greenhouse that could be used to feed lunar astronauts on moon-grown veggies, and today we have a self-sufficient solar-powered capsule that looks inspired by NASA’s lunar habitat. Designed by Menno Kroezen and Ross Lovegrove, the inventor of the stunning solar-powered trees, the Solar Capsule is a living space intended to be used in the energy starved and polluted world of tomorrow.

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Thissystem is to be placed half underground to provide better insulationand reduce the required energy. The system uses liquid-cooledphotovoltaic cells to process the reflected light from the parabolicdish on the outer shell of the double glazed capsules. Apart fromproviding energy to the inhabitants, sunlight is also used to growvegetables and plants inside the capsule, which can be used to purifyindoor air and also feed the occupants. The designer expects every 5meters of the solar array to produce around 2KwP of electricity. Thesystem is providing all of the required energy as well as creating avisually appealing and ever changing living environment.


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